Swim’s casting call gets wet and wild with German beauty Sarina Nowak.
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German Beauty Sarina Nowak Gets Wet | Casting Call
Hmm, seems pretty, but she’s wearing a shitload of make-up, unfortunately… ๐
Brandin Stephens marry Sarina Nowak!!!
Kenne sie noch von GNTM sie ist so hรผbsch und man merkt wie wohl sie sich fรผhlt.Sie ist einfach wunderschรถn
Sport, really ? =) …It’s fat.
WHY SO MUCH FAT? WHY? Like less than 5% of us want to see this.
Attractive!?…..um no.
Hottest girl in the world! <3 #curvyqueen #embraceyourcurves
Feminism trying to brainwash the masses this is a swimming suit model
Since when feminazi who hates hot women taken charge of SI?
stop with these fat chicks, we come here for sexy bitches
Sport? Do you mean heavy lifting? xDDDD
Apparently people in the comment section are getting shallow. Not EVERY woman has to have a tight skinny hourglass figure,woman come in different shapes and sizes and they’re still beautiful.
Gustavo from chowder??!!??? Tbt I guess ?
no, not for me
I’m honestly just disgusted by the comment section…